
Which farm animal rest outdoors
even in winter?
The geese.
Always moving around, never at peace
Sometimes walking all around the farm
Despite snow on the ground;
Sometimes they would have some fun
In the little water pool,
in spite of  the frozen surface.
When geese are at rest,
Sitting on the icy field wherever forage
can be found
Never finding shelter,
never complaining of the cold
The young and innocent
old and experienced
Worry about goose eggs going bad
since mother geese never stay properly
in their own outdoor coop
My grandfather, bless his soul,
felt our worries,
made a pair of tiny shoes suited only for the geese
Barriers to protect little pitter patter
Goose feet
from the cold.
Good intentions somehow
went awry.
The gaggle of the geese went on and on;
Things completely turned into a mess.
From the day the geese
got their shoes
the only thing they did
madly shaking their feet
to get rid of their shoes
Little frozen ice cubes
Weighing them down
Toppling them over
Our kindness
Became torture
Lesson learned:
never impose one’s views
on others

not even geese


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