What Do The Animals Say?

Winter vacation in my hometown
Always cold and snowy
New year approaching
Celebration at my grandparents’ farm
Profuse animals on the farm
Cows in the meadows
Horses in the barn
Chickens in the coop
But one year a blizzard
Our car blanketed
Thwarting our advance
Grandparents await anxiously
the skies unrelentless
White fluffy clouds
became sharp knives
stabbing our car
My father swerving left and right
but to left and curses under his breath
But all I could care for were the animals
Are the cows cold, Papa?
Would the horses wear sweaters?
Do the chickens have heat in their homes?
Innocent musings
Underlie my disposition  
My observation toward the animals
My indifference toward my present danger
“We made it!” My father’s triumph
I dashed for the barn
Greeted with moos, neighs, and clucks
I felt safe.


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